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Boost your Digital Print Production with Ultimate Impostrip® and RICOH TotalFlow BatchBuilder™

Ultimate TechnoGraphics - Webinar - Boost your Digital Print Production with Ultimate Impostrip® and RICOH TotalFlow BatchBuilder™

One-offs and short print runs require a costly hands-on effort to manage, making it difficult to turn a profit. Workflow automation combined with increased flexibility, control, and visibility over jobs is key to removing the bottlenecks in digital printing. Efficiency is the path to profitability, and this is exactly what printers can expect from Ultimate TechnoGraphics’ and Ricoh’s newly bundled solutions.

Ultimate Impostrip®  enables the creation and automation of even the most complex impositions easily, providing a complete toolbox for today’s digital print environment, including dynamic runs and dynamic print finishing. RICOH TotalFlow BatchBuilder™ enables a quick turnaround on a variety of short-run jobs from multiple sources by performing batching work upstream, automating scheduling, and reducing back-and-forth setups for print and finishing.

Join the Ultimate and Ricoh teams as our experts show you how to succeed in today’s digital print environment with Ultimate Impostrip® and RICOH TotalFlow BatchBuilder™. During this 60-minute session, attendees will learn to:

  • Streamline ticketing, scheduling, routing, and imposition
  • Set up rules to batch incoming jobs based on specific criteria
  • Automate the creation of simple to complex impositions
  • Track jobs and automate finishing via dynamic marks and barcodes
  • Lower costs by reducing waste, errors and rework
  • Reach faster turnarounds by reducing setup of make-ready files
  • Build an eCommerce ready and fully automated workflow
  • And much more.

Powering up your production of short-run digital jobs is a no brainer with Ultimate Impostrip® and RICOH TotalFlow BatchBuilder™ seamless integration. If you are a commercial, in-plant or book printer, this webinar is for you! Future-proofing your workflow today translates into optimum production efficiency and control with a faster ROI for now and years to come.

Boost your Digital Print Production with Ultimate Impostrip® and RICOH TotalFlow BatchBuilder™

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  • Ultimate Impostrip Scalable
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